Friday, September 20, 2013

Inspiration of the Day: The Morning Crew at Rhino

It's so easy to let the good things in a day slip by when we start the day getting out of bed, already with a massive list of tasks to accomplish. The early drive to work is clouded by scheduling out the day: When will I be able to work on my dissertation? How much time can I allow for this? Where can I fit in this meeting? Do I have enough time to prepare? Why did I set my alarm to go off at 4?? Where am I going to find the motivation to get through all of this??????

That's when I pull into the parking lot at Rhino Fitness. Slammed parking lot and a gym full of determined people who are working their hardest to better their health, their selves, and all the while are encouraging the people around them. Whether it's the 5AM Boot Camp crew, the 4:30 AM spinners, my clients, or all of the others pushing themselves through  their workouts before they head to work and tackle their own tasks of the all inspire me. I see you all and I instantly want to make this day the best day possible and I can't help but smile and love my job.

Now, everything I have to accomplish today I will accomplish with a smile and a sense of motivation inspired by you.

See you tomorrow at 5. Here's a little Allyson Felix for some inspiration:


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