Friday, March 16, 2012

Yoga Pose of the Day: Peacock Feather Pose

Peacock Feather Pose, or Pincha Mayurasana, is the pose of the day! I have not focused on an inversion yet, and I chose this one to because there are several different ways to modify it to make it applicable to your level of practice. Make sure that you are in a clear area before you attempt!

Inversions are great to include in your practice because they require your head to be below your heart, increasing blood flow into your brain and other vital organs.

Peacock Feather Pose is a forearm/elbow balance instead of a wrist balance pose, so those of you who are wary of putting strain or pressure on your wrist joints may find this inversion more inviting.

This pose works your entire body, though, more specifically, a lot of strength is built in your upper body and your core. On that note, make sure that you have properly warmed up and stretched your shoulders, spine, neck, and core before attempting the pose!

1-Come to a table-top position, on your knees and elbows, about one foot in front of a wall. You need to be absolutely positive that your elbows are directly underneath your shoulders!

2-Extend your forearms towards the wall, parallel to one another, and stretch out your fingers widely, making sure that your index finger is pointing directly at the wall.

3-Bring your legs and pelvis back as if going into Downward Dog Pose, keeping your forearms and shoulders in place. Really root yourself into your forearms at this point.

4-Activate your shoulders, really bringing them down into your back, away from your ears, and towards your lower body.

5-Using the strength and control of your core muscles, do a donkey kick with one of your legs and bring it up towards the ceiling. Let the other leg follow it in the same controlled motion.

6-Let your heels rest against the wall, keeping your feet and legs flexed and tight together, as if you are standing on the ceiling. The longer you hold the pose, the better it is for you. Try to last at least five breaths.

Alright, so if you're feeling good at this point and your balance is in check, you may want to attempt to bring your legs away from the wall, one at a time, and balance on your own. If you do this, remember to keep fully engaged in your arms, shoulders, and core. The wall is always there to go back to!

7-To come out of the pose, simply exhale and with control, bring your legs, one at a time back to the floor into a Down Dog position, and then bring yourself down into Child Pose to balance your body.

Inversions take practice, so don't get frustrated!!!! You'll do great!


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