Here's the link:
Here's a basic rundown:
Prerun: Easily Absorbed Carbohydrates (ie. Pretzels or Bananas)
Midrun (One hour or less): You don't have to eat anything. Stick with water to stay hydrated!!
Midrun (A little over one hour): Easily Absorbed Carbohydrates. This is when a good sports drink or sports gel will come in handy.
Postrun if Completed an Easy Run: Your body is not depleted enough to seriously refuel it, so just consume your next healthy meal, making sure there is good protein in it.
Postrun if Completed a Long or Hard Run: Carbohyrdrates and Protein at a 4 gram to 1 gram ratio. Refuel now and then have your next meal later to keep from starving your body and letting your muscles heal properly.
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