Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Inspiration of the Day: The Strength of a Determined Woman

Tell me what inspires you to be a force of nature!

Challenge Yourself

Fall Running Clinic at Rhino Fitness, Wentzville, MO

Hey everybody! Training for a race this fall or for the spring or just wanting to improve your general running performance? Come join the Rhino Fitness Running Clinic every Saturday at 10 AM for 10 weeks, starting October 5th through December 7th.

We'll be focusing on improving your form and strength, injury prevention, and speed work throughout the clinic. It's a great way to meet others interested in running and leads right up to the Saturday before the North Pole Dash in St. Charles on December 14th!

See you there!!

Let me know if you have any questions!!!!


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Inspiration of the Day: Nancy's First 5K!

I'd like to send a special congratulations out to my client, Nancy, who completed her first 5K on Sunday, with her dog Darcy, at the Trails for Tails charity run in Frontier Park, St. Charles! Nancy and her team pushed through the bad weather Sunday morning and had a blast doing it!

The 5K race and 1 mile Fun Run/Walk benefited Five Acres Animal Shelter, a shelter near and dear to Nancy's heart, and I could not be more proud of her for combining her love of dogs and her passion for fitness.

Do you have a charity that means a lot to you that sponsors races? Many do, and it's a great way to get a workout in by knowing it's for a good cause!

Exercise of the Day: Hindu Pushup

Good morning!! Today's exercise of the day works not just your chest and shoulders, but your back, abs, legs, stamina, and flexibility.......what a great way to start your day! It's called the Hindu push-up, and I'll throw in another version of it at the end.

Image from

1- First, you want to get into the standard push-up, or plank, position, except have your feet wider than your shoulders. Keep your elbows and wrists in line with your shoulders.

2. Push your torso back, so your butt is going up in the air, as if you are going into the Downward Dog position in yoga. You may go up on your toes a little bit, which is fine, but be sure to keep your hands in the same position.

3. Now, using a deep exhalation and A LOT of control, swoop your torso down, leading with your chest, towards the floor. Keep your chin up. Your elbows may bend slightly, but try to keep them close to your torso....triceps working overtime! A friend of mine calls this the "going under the fence" movement.

4. When your chest reaches its lowest point, continue the swoop upwards by pressing into your hands and extending your arms straight upwards.

5. On your next exhalation with your abs engaged, and keeping your arms straight, move your butt back into the elevated position as described in Step 2. That's 1 repetition.

Do as many reps as possible.

Not hard enough for you? Try to do the Hindu Pushup with your feet on the wall. Scroll to about minute 3 of this video:



Sunday, September 8, 2013

Workout of the Day: Rainy Day Workout

It's finally raining here! Too bad the thunder and lightning also mean that I have to put off my run. HOWEVER.....................

If you ever get stuck in the house because of a rainy day and don't have access to a gym, it does NOT mean you have to put off a workout! Here's a combination of cardio movements and leg exercises that you can do at home to still get your sweat on, no matter what the weather is outside! This is based on a ladder workout that I had read elsewhere a while ago (can't remember!!!), which I tweaked to make a little more challenging, but still simple enough to concentrate on at home.

1. Start with your cardio circuit warmup:
20 High Knees
40 Butt kicks
80 Jumping Jacks
40 Butt Kicks
20 High knees

2. Now do the following ladder:
30 seconds of tuck jump burpees x 10 tricep pushups
30 seconds of tuck jump burpees x 9 tricep pushups
30 seconds of tuck jump burpees x 8 tricep pushups

keep following this trend until you finish with 1 tricep pushup

3. Finish with a leg circuit
20 squats
30 lunges
40 toe touches (abs)
50 second wall sit
100 jumping jacks
50 second wall sit
40 toe touches (abs)
30 lunges
20 squats